A year of working through Covid-19 restrictions and lacklustre annual leave (where instead of being on a beach far from our troubles, we are locked in our home with a book and a takeaway) has finally hit. Returning to my makeshift home desk after the Easter weekend, I found myself sluggish and unmotivated.
Fortunately, inspiration isn’t hard to come by in the business world. There’s an abundance of books written by leaders on finding their purpose and beating all odds to succeed. Meanwhile it’s hard not to feel admiration on social when trawling the handy (albeit demeaning) hashtag #GirlBoss, which toasts the careers of successful females and is peppered with inspirational quotes.
So in search of tangible motivation, we turned to a panel of leaders to find out which CEOs they follow for inspiration. From the world’s youngest female self-made billionaire to a ballsy and straight-talking airline boss, here is their pick.
Gary was listed as one of these six CEOs. To read the full list, visit Management Today.